Nat. show, Sandefjord 19 januar BIR/BOB: RO, SE, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady, BIM/BOS: N UCH Jofro-Bulls Perfect

RO, SE, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Myaldy and me in the group ring

NAT SHOW Sandefjord 19 januar. BIG/BOG 3 : RO, SE, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady. Group judge:

BEST in SHOW 3 :Jofro-Bulls kennel Jofro-Bulls Perfect, - Xtase, - Natt & - Mylady

Jofro-Bulls Optimal, BIR/BOB Ølen

Jofro-Bulls Real, exc, res.cert, 3 BHK

10 februar, RO CH, SE UCH, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIG/BOG 1, Breed/group judge Igor Mioc

Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIR/BOB, BOG/BIG 1 and BIS 1, 10/2-2013- Rase/gruppe dommer Igor Mioc, Bis dommer Sylvie Desserne

BIS 1 breed/oppdrett med Jofro-Bulls Mylady, - Real, -Ran og - Quality

RO CH, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal "Junior" Bir , NKK kristiansand

Jofro-Bulls Xellent "Snehvit": Ex, ck, cert, 1 BTK, BIM/BOS

BIR og BIM 27 april, Orre NO UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Optimal BIR og Jofro-Bulls Xellent BIM

Konkurransen, BIR-BIM "8 april :)

Orre 28 april. Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIR og Jofro-Bulls Optimal BIM

BIS oppdrett, Bernen Sennen klubben, Orre 28/4

Finland 11 mai 2013. Pokalene til Jofro-Bulls Mylady

Finland 12/5 BOB/BIR CACIB

INT. NORD. .UCH, NO UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIR/BOB. Helsinki 12 mai 2013

Jofro-Bulls Great Doris 2 btk VETERAN 19.05

Jofro-Bulls Quality gjorde en kjempe utstilling

Jofro-Bulls Quality (12 mndr) 2 BHK, cq/ck, CC/CERT

N UCH Jofro-Bulls Perfect

N UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal, BIM/BOS Judge Helena Nyvönen

N UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal og Jofro-Bulls Quality

Jofro-Bulls Xellent

N UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal BIM/BOS. 20.05.2013 :) Judge Helena Hyvönen

Bulldog breeder nr 1 , Jofro-Bull, and BIS 2. With Jofro-Bulls Xtase (16 mnd), Jofro-Bulls Que (12 mndr), Jofro-Bulls Queen Luna (12 mndr) og N UCH Jofro-Bulls Raus Judge Helena Nyvönen

nat show Sandefjord, 8/6. Jofro-Bulls Xtase Exc, ck, res.cert, 2 BTK

Nat show Sandefjord 8/6. Jofro-Bulls Great Doris BIR veteran, exc, ck, 3 BTK. 9 år gammel. BIS res. :)

Nr 1 i Barn og Hund :) Kristian og Gina, Sandefjor juni

Int show NKK Trondheim 6 juli BIR/BOB Jofro-Bulls Quality (14 mndr ) Dommer Kenneth Edh Skien 26 Juli INT.NORDISK UCH, N UCH, SE UCH,FIN UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIR/BOB & Jofro-Bulls Quality BIB/BOS. Judge Sean Carroll

EDS Geneve. INT. NORD.UCH NO UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady <3< h1>

EDS Geneve : Jofro-Bulls Quality <3< h1>

Vetaran Jofro-Bulls Great Doris, exc, 2 res. cert i Geneve EDS Eurodog show, 29 og 31 august

Drammen 8 sept.-13 BIR/BOB, BIS 2 junior <3 jofro-bulls quality< h1>

Jofro-Bulls Quality; BIS 2 junior Drammen, 8 sept BIS OPPDRETT Judge: Kitty Sjong

Hundorp 14 sept. Jofro-Bulls Sparkling Satifaction BIR/BOB valp/puppy <3< h1>

Jofro-Bulls Unique Centum BIR valp/puppy, Bulldog spesialens høst show, Nærbø 14 september

Jofro-Bulls Quality: BIR junior

NO,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: exc, 1 chkk, ck, 2 BHK

Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: exc, 1vkk, ck, 3 BTK, BIR veteran

Bulldog spesialen BIR: Jofro-Bulls Quality, dommer John Williams og BIM INT.NORD UCH, NO,SE,FI,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady

BIS OPPDRETT på bulldog spesialen: Jofro-Bulls Mylady,-Great Doris,-Optimal og Quality

Jofro-Bulls Quality, 16 mnd

Jofro-Bulls Quality og Jofro-Bulls Mylady, NKK Rogaland

INT SHOW, NKK Rogaland: Jofro-Bulls Quality BIR/BOB og INT.NORD UCH, NO,SE,FI,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIM/BOS

Jofro-Bulls Quality i big ringen

Jofro-Bulls oppdretter NKK Rogaland INT.NORD UCH,NO,SE,FI,RO uch Jofro-Bulls Mylady, NO,RO Uch Jofro-Bulls Optimal, Jofro-Bulls Xellent og Jofro-Bulls Quality

BIS oppdretter finalen NKK Rogaland

Jofro-Bulls Quality, ck, 2 BHK

INT. NORD. UCH, N UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIM/BOS Dommer Vera Hübenthal

INT. NORD. UCH, N UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady BIM/BOS, 13 okt-13. Judge Carsten Birk

Jofro-Bulls Unique Centum, 5 mndr. Bir/BOB valp Dommer Olga Sinko Letohallen BIR/BOB Jofro-Bulls Quality &n INT NORD UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady. Dommer Terje Lindstrøm

NAT.Show Kongsberg 9/11 Jofro-Bulls Suprime Spirit. BOB/BIR valp/puppy Judge/dommer Kim Vigsø Nielsen, Danmark

Hurra Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: exc, ck, BIR veteran NVW-13 <3< h1>


😀 😀 😀 Utstilling 2013 😀 😀 😀
Nat show Sandefjord 19 januar:
Dommer Lesley Hiltz
RO, SE, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: ex, ck, 1 BTK, BIR/BOB, BIG/BOG 3
N UCH Jofro-Bulls Perfect: ex, ck, 1 BHK, BIM/BOS
N UCH Jofro-Bulls Natt: Ex, ck, 3 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Xtase: Ex, ck, 4 BTK, BIR Junior
Jofro-Bulls Ran: Ex, ck
Jofro-Bulls Kennel BIS 3

Nat. show Ølen 9 februar
Dommer Terje Lindstrøm
RO CH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: BOB/BIR
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: ex, ck, cert, 2 BTK

Nat show Hellerudsletta 10 februar:
Dommer Igor Mioc
BIS judge: Sylvie Desserne
RO. SE. N UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: BIR/BOB, BIG/BOG 1 BIS 1
Jofro-Bulls Ran: ex, 2 BTK, ck cert,
Jofro-Bulls Quality: ex jk, ck, 2 BHK, cert
Jofro-Bulls Real: ex, ck, res.cert 3 BHK
Jofro-Bulls kennel breed group BIS 1

INT show NKK Kristiansand, 16 mars
Dommer Kurt Nilsson SE
RO CH, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: ex, ck, cert,1 BHK, CACIB BIR/BOB Norsk utstillings champion
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: ex, ck, 1 BTK, cert, BIM/BOS
RO CH, SE UCH, N UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: ex, ck, 2 BTK, CACIB
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: ex, ck, BIR/BOB veteran
Jofro-Bull kennel oppdrett, 1 HP
Kritikk: Herlig gruppe, utmerket kjønns preg, velkroppet, utmerket fronter, velvinklet, mycket velgående. En sunn gruppe med herlig temprament. Vel verd et heders pris! 😀

Nat show Orre 27 april
Dommer Paul Lawless
RO CH, N UCH, SE UCH, Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, ck, 2 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: Exc, ck 1 BTK, BIM/BOS
N UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: Exc, ck, 1 BHK BIR/BOB
Jofro-Bulls Real: Exc, 3 akk
Jofro-Bull kennel oppdrett: 1 HP, BIS 3
Kritikk: Very nice group, ex type thoughout the group. Pleasing head, Pleasing bone Good body shapes and movers Ex quality😀 Kat nr, 169, 171, 168, 172

Nat show Orre, 28 april
Dommer Jean Lawless
Jofro-Bulls Real: Exc, ck, cert, 2 BHK
N UCH, RO CH, Jofro-Bulls Optimal :Exc, ck, 1 BHK, BIM/BOS
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: Exc, CK, cert, 2 BTK
N UCH, SE UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc ck, 1 BTK, BIR/BOB
Jofro-Bull kennel oppdrett: 1 HP, BIS 1 😀😀
Kritikk: Lovely ......of bulldogs, with good head, very free movements, presented in ex condition. Kat nr 96, 97. 98. 99.
Nat show Orre, 28 april
Dommer Tino Pehar
Jofro-Bulls Real: Exc, ck, cert, 2 BHK
N UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: Exc, ck, ! BHK, BIR/BOB, BIG/BOG 1
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: Exc, ck, cert, 2 BTK
N UCH, SE UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, ck, 1 BTK, BIM/BOS
Jofro-Bull kennel oppdrett: 1 HP, BIS 2

INT. show Hamina, Finland
Dommer/Judge Arne Foss
N UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Optimal Exc, ck, res.cert, 3 BHK
N UCH, SE UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, ck, cert,1 BTK, CACIB BIM/BOS

INT show, Helsinki, Finland
Judge Violetta Zillie
INT. nord. UCH, N UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, RO CH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, ck, BIR/BOB; CACIB

Hokksund, rase spesialen 19 og 20 mai
Judge David Rodgers and Helena Hyvönen
Jofro-Bulls Quality: Exc.1 jkk,ck, Exc. 1jkk, ck, cert, 2 BHK
N UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: Exc, 2chkk, ck, Exc, 1 chkk,ck, 1 BHK, BIM/BOB
N UCH Jofro-Bulls Perfect: Exc, 3 chkk,
Waeles Quite Easy: Exc,uk, 3 ukk, Exc, uk, 2 Ukk
Jofro-Bulls Real: ?, Exc, ak, 3 akk
Jofro-Bulls Jeremias:
Jofro-Bulls Que: Exc, jk, Exc jk, 1 jkk ck
Jofro-Bulls Queen: Exc, jk, 2 jkk, Exc, jk, 4 jkk
Jofro-Bulls Xtase: Exc, jk, 3 jkk, Exc jk, 2 jkk, ck
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: Exc, 3 ukk, Exc uk, 3 ukk, ck, 4 BTK
Int. NORDISK UCH, N UCH, SE UCH, FIN UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, chk, Exc chk, 2 chkk, ck
N UCH Jofro-Bulls Raus: Exc, ak, 1 akk, ck, cert/cc, 4 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: Exc, vtk, 2 vtkk, Exc vtk, 1 vtkk ck,
BIR/BOB veteran, 2 BIS veteran
Breeder 2 HP & 3 HP, Breeder 1 HP, 2 BIS & 2 HP

INT. SHOW NKK Trondheim 6 juli
Judge Kenneth Edh
INT. NORDISK UCH, N UCH, SE UCH, FIN UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc 1 chk, ck, 3 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Quality: Exc. 1 JK, 1 jkk, ck, cert, 1 BHK. BIR/BOB

NAT. SHOW Skien 26 juli
Judge: Sean Carroll
INT .NORDISK UCH, N UCH, SE UCH, FIN UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, 1 chkk, ck, 1 BTK, BIR/BOB
Jofro-Bulls Quality: Exc jkk, ck, 1 BHK, BIM/BOS NKK Oslo 24 august
Judge: Leif Herman Wilberg
I NT.NORD UCH, NO,SE, FIN, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady 2 BTK, res.cacib

INT. EDS Eurodogshow, Geneve Sveits 29 og 31 august
Judges: Dan Ericsson, Stefan Sinko
INT NORD. UCH, NO, SE, FI, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady:
1 champ, CC, 2 champ,
Jofro-Bulls Quality: 2 junior, res cc, 4 junior
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: 3 unghund, 4 unghund
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: 2 veteran, res. cc, 2 veteran, Drammen 7 september
Judge: Anthony Moran
INT.NORD.UCH,NO,SE,FI,RO, Jofro-Bulls Mylady: 1 chkk, ck, 2 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Xtase. 1 ukk, ck, res.cert, 3 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: exc 1, ck, 4 BTK. BIR/BOB veteran, Drammen 8 september 
Judge: Stefan Sinko
INT.NORD. UCH, NO, SE, FI, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady, BIM/BOS
Jofro-Bulls Quality: 1, cert, BIR/BOB, BIS 2 junior
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: 3 BTK, ck, BIR/BOB veteran
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: 1 ukk, ck, cert, 2 BTK
Jofro-Bulls Xtase: 2 ukk, ck, res.cert, 4 BTK
BIS 1 OPPDRETT/BREEDER, Judge: Kitty Sjong 😀😀😀😀 Hundorp 14 sept.
Jofro-Bulls Sparkling Satisfaction BIR/BOB puppy 😀
Judge: Marit Sunde

NORSK BULLDOG KLUBB, høst spesialen, Nærbø 14 september
Judge: John Williams
Jofro-Bulls Unique Centum: valp 4-6 mnd. BIR/BOB puppy 😀
Jofro-Bulls Shinning Star: valp 4-6 mnd. nr 2
Jofro-Bulls Spesial Sambuca: valp 4-6 mnd. nr 3
Jofro-Bulls Quality: 1, ck, cert, BIB/BOB, BIR/BOB junior 😀
INT.NORD UCH,NO,SE,FI,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: 1 ck, BIM/BOS 😀
NO,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: 1 chkk,ck, 2 BHK
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: 1 vkk, ck, 3 BTK, BIR/BOB veteran 😀
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: 2 ukk, ck, 4 BTK
1 HP OPPDRETT/BREEDER, Judge John Williams

INT.SHOW.NKK Rogaland 15 september
Judge: Ulf Bråthen
Jofro-Bulls Quality: 1 ukk, cert cacib, BIR/BOB 😀
INT.NORD UCH, NO,SE,FI,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady, 1chkk, ck, BIM/BOS 😀
NO,RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: 1chkk,ck, 3 BHK
1 HP, OPPDRETT/BREEDER Letohallen 12 okt
Judge: Vera Hübenthal
Jofro-Bulls Quality exc, ck, res.cert, 2 BHK Letohallen 13 okt.
Judge: Carsten Birk, DK.
Jofro-Bulls Quality: exc, ck 2 BHK

Nat. show Letohallen 26 okt.
Judge: Olga Sinko
Jofro-Bulls Unique CentumBIR/BOB puppy😀
Jofro-Bulls Quality: ex, cert, ck, BIR/BOB, BOG/BIG 4😀😀
N UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: exc, ck, BHK
Jofro-Bulls Real: exc, ck, 
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: exc, ck,
Jofro-Bulls Xtase: exc, ck,
INT.NORD.UCH, N UCH, SE UCH. FI UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: exc, ck, 2 BTK
BIS 2 OPPDRETT/BREEDER , judge  Pedro Delerue Letohallen 27 okt
Judge: Terje Lindstrøm
Jofro-Bulls Unique Centum, BIR/BOS puppy 😀
Jofro-Bulls Quality: exc, ck, cert, BIR/BOB 😀 BOG/BIG 2 😀
N UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Optimal: exc, ck, 3 BHK
Jofro-Bulls Real: Exc, ck, 4 BHK
Jofro-Bulls Queen: Exc, ck,
Jofro-Bulls Xellent: Exc, ck, 
N UCH Jofro-Bulls Natt: Exc, ck, 
INT.NORD. N UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, RO UCH Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc. ck BIM/BOS 😀

INT. SHOW, HERNING, Denmark, 2 og 3 november
Judge: Ramune Kazlauskaite, Litauen (66 entries)
INT. MULTI CHAMPION, INT NORDIC CHAMPION, and now DANSK UTSTILLINGS CHAMPION 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 Jofro-Bulls Mylady: cq/ck, BIR/BOB & Danish champion, CACIB
Jofro-Bulls Quality: 2 best male with res cert, res. cacib.
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: BIR/BOB veteran & 3 best femal 

Judge Moa Person
Jofro-Bulls Quality. ck, 4 BHK
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris. Exc. BIR veteran

INT. NKK, LILLESTRØM, norsk vinner-13
INT. MULTI CH, INT NORDISK CH Jofro-Bulls Mylady. ck, 4 BTK.
Jofro-Bulls Quality: Exc,1 ukk, ck,
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris, BIR veteran og NORSK VETERAN VINNER-13😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
INT Stockholm
INT. MULTI CHAMPION Jofro-Bulls Mylady: Exc, 2 best female, res cacib.
Jofro-Bulls Great Doris: Exc, cq, 4 beste female og BIR veteran 😀😀😀